Terms of sale

Air Moto Tours Terms of sale

from 03/06/2024

1 - Registration / Contract

To be effective, registration for a trip requires the submission of a duly completed and signed registration form. This form can be downloaded from the AMT website or requested by phone. Unless otherwise stated, registration for a trip implies acceptance of the Sales Conditions as well as the payment of a deposit equal to, at least, 30% of the total amount of the trip. The contract will only be formed after confirmation of availability of the desired place(s) and the return to the client, by postal or electronic means, of a confirmation letter with a copy of the registration form signed by AMT.

2 - Price

The prices mentioned are firm and final, and are expressed in Euros. They are per person for the services described in the respective programs. They are valid from January 1st to December 31st. The prices do not include:

* Any fees related to formalities such as passport, visa, vaccines, etc.,

* The subscription to certain travel-specific insurances,

* Drinks, meals not provided, personal expenses, tips, etc.,

* Exceptional expenses resulting from unforeseen events,

* Costs related to non-compliance with air transport conditions,

In general, they only include the services that are explicitly stated in each program. For further details, please refer to the description of each circuit. The prices established for group travel include the remuneration of various service providers and are subject to the applicable exchange rates at the time of booking and the cost of fuel on the date of booking. An insufficient number of participants in the subscribed trip may potentially result in a price variation – See “Cancellation at AMT’s initiative.”

In accordance with articles L.211-12, R. 211-8, and R. 211-9 of the Tourism Code, between the day of confirmed registration and up to 20 days before the departure date, the prices provided in the contract may be revised to take into account variations in the cost of transportation (fuel/energy), airport taxes and fees, and exchange rates applied to the considered trips and stays. The traveler will be informed of any price variations by any means available, as soon as AMT becomes aware of the information. Variations are passed on to the traveler as follows:

* Fully for variations in transport costs, fees, and taxes,

* Exchange rates, proportionally to the amounts of the related services.

In case of a price increase of the trip exceeding 8% of the initial price or in case of a manifest pricing error, the customer may terminate, without charge, the sales contract by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within a maximum period of 7 days following the sending of the information. In the absence of a response, the price variation will be applied and considered accepted by the traveler.

3 - Payment

An enrollment is only validated if accompanied by a 30% deposit of the total amount of the service. Unless otherwise specified on the registration confirmation, the balance must be paid no later than 45 days before the departure date, without the client expecting any reminder. Failure to settle the balance within the specified and provided period on the registration confirmation, in addition to the application of the cancellation scale provided in the sales conditions, will result in the trip being considered canceled by the client.

Any registration occurring less than 45 days before departure must be paid in full by any means of payment, excluding personal checks.

4 - Administrative and Health Formalities

Participants and clients, who are French nationals, are informed, at the time of subscription to the sales contract, of the administrative and health formalities related to entry into the country where the stay takes place, and which are applicable throughout the stay, as specified in the description. For participants and clients who are foreign nationals or dual nationals, it is imperative to consult the consular authorities of the destination countries and/or transit countries.

Given the regulatory changes that may occur, it is strongly recommended that anyone participating in a trip verifies the validity of the required formalities before departure on the France Diplomacy website, in the section of the relevant country. The completion of formalities remains the sole responsibility of the traveler. Also see Solidarités Santé for health-related information.

AMT cannot replace the individual responsibility of the traveler for the completion of all formalities, before departure (passport, visa, driver’s license, health booklet, etc.), during customs clearance (declaration of goods, products and objects carried, etc.), during the stay (loss, theft of documents, etc.), nor can it cover the costs associated with these formalities.

The traveler must ensure the validity of their travel documents. If AMT requests a copy of passports, it is for transmission to airlines within the framework of PNRs (Passenger Names Records) and not for the purpose of verifying their validity.

Any delay in boarding resulting from the traveler’s inability to present compliant documents, for any reason whatsoever, and/or failure to comply with formalities, remains entirely their responsibility. They bear the direct and indirect consequences as well as the costs that may result from the failure to comply with formalities.

The traveler has the option to register their trip free of charge and easily with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The information provided aims to better manage the situation of travelers abroad in the event of a crisis. To register, follow the Pastel Diplomacy breadcrumb trail link.

5 - Assignment of Contract

In accordance with Article L. 211-11 of the Tourism Code, as long as the contract has not yet produced any effect, provided that AMT is informed by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt and up to 7 days before departure, you have the possibility to assign your contract to a third party who meets the required conditions for the trip. The validity of the assignment becomes effective after acceptance of the sales conditions by the new beneficiary.

The assignee and the assignor are jointly responsible for the payment of the balance of the price as well as any other additional costs incurred by the assignment, particularly those related to the change of air ticket when the stay includes air transport, in addition to the handling fees. In case of impossibility, mainly due to non-availability of seats for air transport, the assignment of the contract will be considered impossible and deemed as a cancellation by the client.

6 - Cancellation or modification of the trip at the customer's initiative

In accordance with the provisions of Article L.221-28 of the Consumer Code, the traveler is informed that this contract is not subject to the right of withdrawal. Any cancellation of the contract must be made as soon as possible, by phone and by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, addressed to AMT. The cancellation takes effect upon receipt of the letter, and the date of dispatch (postmark) serves as a reference for calculating cancellation fees according to the following scale, which has been calculated taking into account cost savings and expected revenues from the availability of the services concerned:

* More than 45 days before departure: 30% of the total amount of the trip

* From 44 to 30 days before departure: 40% of the total amount of the trip

* From 29 to 8 days before departure: 75% of the total amount of the trip

* Less than 8 days before departure: 90% of the total amount of the trip

* Non-presentation on the day of departure: 100% of the total amount of the trip

Any insurance taken out by the client is not included in the trip amount and cannot be subject to a refund request. Other expenses incurred by AMT, such as specific client requests or already issued airline tickets, except for related airport taxes, are excluded from the above scale. Processing costs, calculated based on time spent, may additionally apply to the cancellation fees mentioned above.

If the traveler is unable to depart due to non-presentation or invalidity of their passport, visa, or other required formalities by local authorities, or if they are prohibited from entering the country for any reason, no refund or compensation will be provided by AMT.

Unless expressly stated in the contract, requests for modification, such as changes to the departure city, destination, flights defined by airlines, or hotels, may be considered as trip cancellations. Requests for modifications or corrections to names, surnames, and/or titles can be made before the departure date according to the feasibility conditions of airlines. Any applicable fees will be borne by the requester.

Regardless of the reason, interruption, modification of the ongoing trip by the client, or renouncement of one of the scheduled services in the purchased trip program, such as abandoning the motorcycle, for example, will not result in any refund or compensation. All expenses resulting from this interruption, modification, renouncement, etc., will be borne by the client.

Furthermore, as the proposed trips are by nature outdoor activities, no compensation will be paid in the event of adverse weather conditions.

If the client has taken out insurance covering these events, they must comply with the terms defined in the insurance policy provided to them.

The Client may terminate the contract before the start of the trip or stay, without paying any resolution fees if exceptional and unavoidable circumstances, occurring at the destination or in its immediate vicinity, have significant consequences for the execution of the contract or for the transport of passengers to the destination. In this case, the traveler is entitled to a full refund of the amounts paid (except for the cost of any insurance taken out), but not to additional compensation.

7 - Cancellation or modification of the trip by Air Moto Tours

The itinerary and routes taken are provided purely as a guideline. If circumstances, conditions, or causes beyond Air Moto Tours’ control require it, the tour guide may be required and authorized to modify the route without any prior notice, even at the risk of not being able to complete the planned program. This may particularly occur to circumvent a road closed by decision of local authorities or to avoid weather events that could jeopardize the safety of travelers.

In accordance with the provisions of Article L.211-14-III of the Tourism Code, Air Moto Tours reserves the right to terminate the contract without charge if the minimum number of participants specified in the description or registration form is not reached, no later than:

* 20 days before the start of the trip when its duration exceeds 6 days,

* 7 days before the start of the trip when its duration is between 2 and 6 days,

* 48 hours before the start of the trip when its duration is less than 2 days.

The client will be immediately informed and will be refunded all amounts paid. Additionally, Air Moto Tours may terminate the contract without charge if exceptional or unavoidable circumstances prevent it from executing the contract.

In the event of trip cancellation, Air Moto Tours will credit the accounts of the affected clients with an 80 Euro credit, transferable to a third party, to be used for another trip within 12 months following the date of the originally scheduled and unfulfilled trip.

If, before the start of the trip, compliance with one of the essential elements of the contract becomes impossible due to an external event beyond Air Moto Tours’ control, the client will be notified as soon as possible. The client will have the option to either accept the proposed modification or terminate the contract without charge. If the client refuses the proposal, the entire amount paid will be refunded, except for any insurance premiums that may have been subscribed.

8 - Customer commitments

At the destination, the offered trips involve motorized travel for which local regulations apply, and the traveler will be provided with rental equipment. The client acknowledges being accustomed to and familiar with the category of motorized vehicle selected when subscribing to the trip for their stay.

The client, as the driver, must be at least 25 years old and hold a valid driver’s license for at least 3 years upon taking possession of the motorized vehicle. If necessary, unless expressly stated otherwise, they must be able to provide proof of insurance coverage for a duration of at least this period.

The traveler, whether driver or passenger, acknowledges being informed of the possible conditions of prolonged use of the motorized vehicle, over several consecutive days or occasionally under difficult weather conditions, without compromising their safety. They are deemed to possess all the physical, behavioral, and intellectual capacities required for travel with a motorized vehicle, including regarding rental equipment and local regulations, safety for themselves, the group, or third parties unrelated to AMT. Under no circumstances can the client hold AMT responsible for any incident or accident resulting from a breach of this rule.

The service provided by AMT is a reservation service for the rental of a motorized vehicle on behalf of the client. The rental agreement is signed directly by the client upon arrival with the rental company. At the destination, the client, as the driver or pilot, will be provided with a motorized vehicle and possibly additional equipment.

The client undertakes to comply with the legislation, regulations, and customs of the country traveled through and to use the equipment according to normal conditions of use. They will be responsible for the motorized vehicle during the rental period. The rental company may request an electronic imprint of the credit card, which must be internationally usable. The status of the bank account must also allow, in the event of damage to the vehicle, payment of the deductible. Debit cards are not accepted.

In anticipation of returning the equipment in the best condition and to avoid any disputes or subsequent challenges, AMT invites each client subject to equipment lending or rental to carefully inspect the equipment upon receipt and return. Any existing defects noticed in advance at the time of pickup or resulting from inadvertence during the stay should be promptly reported to the rental office, preferably in writing or by any other means providing proof.

The vehicle and equipment provided must be returned at the end of the stay in a clean condition and with the same level of fuel as on the day of pickup.

9 - Responsibility, Duty to inform

AMT is a tour operator registered with the register of travel and holiday operators under registration number: IM07814005. The agency holds all necessary authorizations issued by the competent authorities to operate its business in full legality concerning its clients and service providers.

As part of its obligations, AMT has taken out an insurance policy HA RCP0240695 with Hiscox International, represented by Hiscox France at 19, rue Louis le Grand – 75002 Paris. It covers operational and professional liability as follows:

* Coverage scope: €8,000,000 per claim, including: 

* Material and consequential immaterial damages: €1,500,000 per claim

* Non-consequential immaterial damages: €500,000 per claim

* Food poisoning: €800,000 per claim

* Professional diseases and/or faults: €1,500,000 per insurance year

* Accidental damage to the environment: €800,000 per claim

* Theft by employees: €30,000 per claim


The tours are developed and organized in accordance with the legislation in force in the destination country, as well as with a focus on absolute safety for the participants. However, the specific nature of certain trips leads AMT to offer, for some packages, supervision throughout the entire stay to ensure the smooth running of the trip, safely for everyone and all participants.

The client must adhere to the advice and recommendations provided by the tour guide as well as those outlined in the “travel documents” given to the traveler before departure. AMT cannot be held responsible for incidents, accidents, or bodily and material damages resulting from non-compliance with these instructions or from the client’s personal initiatives, especially regarding traffic regulations and compliance with the regulations specific to the destination country. No compensation can be claimed from AMT.

Any failure to comply with instructions or personal initiative on the part of a participant, resulting in repercussions on the organization of the day or the trip and leading the representative or AMT tour guide to adapt to the new situation, cannot be attributed to AMT, and no compensation can be claimed from AMT.

Under no circumstances can AMT be held responsible for unforeseen events constituting Force Majeure (any event beyond the control of the parties that is both unforeseeable and irresistible, preventing either the traveler, the agency, or its service providers from fulfilling some or all of the obligations under the contract. Such events may include war, disasters, fires, earthquakes, epidemics, etc.), or for events caused by third parties not involved in providing the service, for the services specified in the contract, or for the improper execution of the contract attributable to the client themselves. No compensation or refund can be requested from AMT, and the expenses resulting from these events are the responsibility of the client. In such cases, the client may need to contact their insurance company if they have opted for optional insurance offered when subscribing to the contract.

Any non-compliance observed on-site must be reported as soon as possible by email to: reclamation@airmototours.com, attaching any evidence of the non-compliance. If it is a guided tour, the guide must be notified immediately.

For air travel services provided by AMT, the client is informed prior to departure of the exact identity of the airline with which they will be traveling and the details of the flight plan. Only regular airlines authorized by the European Community are used by AMT. Additionally, the client is informed that airlines enter into charter agreements with each other aimed at marketing a flight under their own name while it is operated by an aircraft from another company. The name of the airline and any possible last-minute modifications will be communicated to the client.

AMT makes hotel room reservations with providers who have been pre-selected and chosen during the design of the trips. They have been carefully selected based on a specification sheet including, among other things, their location, expected and offered quality, and level of service. Any necessary modification to the program or unavailability of rooms may, without prior notice to the client, lead AMT to have to change the initially planned accommodation and replace it with similar accommodation. Hotel room reservations are made on behalf of AMT and are never nominative. Their allocation is made on the day of arrival at the accommodation without any distinction. AMT cannot be held responsible for the geographical orientation of the allocated rooms or the view outside, and no compensation can be claimed from them on this account.

Trips in the “self-guided” formula may include the provision of a route in GPX, TRF, or similar format that can be executed on a recognized and validated navigation device by AMT. However, for trips in the “accompanied group” formula, and unless otherwise agreed in writing at the time of registration, there is no provision for the provision of daily routes in GPX, TRF, or similar format.

At the time of booking the trip, the client is asked to indicate their preferences regarding the motorized vehicle. The chosen category is contractual and defines the cost of the motorcycle option. The client lists their model preferences in the corresponding category selected in the registration form. Depending on the destination country, this choice may be multiple and is made from a standard or specific list of available vehicles for rent at the time of selection. Since the management of the motorized vehicle fleet is the full responsibility of the provider and the allocation is made by the lessor based on the available fleet, the client expressly and in advance accepts the possibility of being assigned a model not listed in their preference but necessarily from the reserved and contractual category. However, aware of the importance of vehicle choice, especially its category, AMT undertakes to inform the lessor of the client’s choice upon registration. Necessary efforts will be made with the lessor to ensure that the client receives a motorized vehicle as close as possible to their preference if their initial request cannot be fulfilled.

In accordance with Article L.211-17-IV of the Tourism Code, the liability of the travel agency is limited to three times the total price of the trip or stay, except in cases of bodily harm, intentional damages, or negligence. When international conventions circumscribe the conditions under which compensation is due by a service provider offering travel services or limit such compensation, the same limits apply to the travel agency.

10 - Motor vehicle insurance

Regarding the rental of the vehicle, included in the services, within the limit of the subscribed deductible, an insurance policy covers potential damages to the equipment and individuals during the period of vehicle use throughout the stay.

During your stay and in the event of a minor breakdown such as a getting a flat tire, the intervention of a third party may be necessary. Depending on the breakdown, the vehicle will be repaired as soon as possible, depending on the availability of the professional and the location of the necessary intervention. This operation will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the rental contract. For breakdowns requiring longer immobilization, the necessary steps will be taken to consider replacing the vehicle as soon as possible. Replacing a tire or part that has been misused remains the responsibility of the driver.

11 - Travel insurance

Except for the mandatory insurance coverage provided within the framework of motor vehicle rental, no insurance covering trip cancellation, airfare, baggage, trip interruption, assistance, etc., is included in the price of the trips. It is strongly recommended for the client to take out optional insurance either from a well-known insurance company recognized in the tourism industry or to opt for one of the insurances offered by AMT. These insurance guarantees are offered under the denomination “Simple” and/or “Multirisk”. These two formulas provide coverage from the day of registration to the day of departure on one hand, and/or comprehensive coverage from the day of registration to the day of return on the other hand.

The latter notably covers trip cancellation and interruption, flight delays or missed flights, repatriation, medical expenses coverage, etc. These insurance guarantees are complementary and mostly offer a higher level of benefits compared to those offered by credit cards. Upon request, the details of the services (coverage, limits, and exclusions) can be sent before subscribing to a trip.

As AMT acts as an intermediary, only the General and Specific Conditions of the insurance company, provided to the client upon subscription, are applicable and legally binding.

The premium amount is the same for the motor vehicle driver and their passenger and it depends on the amount of the proposed services. Subscribing to this insurance is optional, and the premium amount must be paid in full upon subscription to AMT. In case of trip cancellation, regardless of the reason, the premium amount is non-refundable.

12 - Information technology, freedom, confidentiality, image rights

In accordance with the new regulation on the protection of personal data – the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into effect on May 25, 2018, you have new rights to information and access to your personal data that you entrust to us or to which we have access. These new provisions complement the “Data Protection Act,” which has been in effect since 1978, and they concern all residents and businesses of the member countries of the European Union. Official link.

This website has been declared to the CNIL under number 1817370, and regarding these new GDPR provisions, you can consult our privacy policy on this page.

During certain stays, Air Moto Tours may take photos and videos or receive them from the participants themselves. These may be used on its website or other communication media directly related to AMT. Unless expressly stated otherwise by the interested parties, they acknowledge being informed of this fact and hereby grant Air Moto Tours the right to use their image solely for the aforementioned purposes.

Every year, Air Moto Tours publishes an updated program for the following season. The communication visuals are subject to change, and they are all derived from previous trips taken with its clients. However, it is possible that some photographs taken on a specific circuit may be used on another circuit, but of the same destination.

13 - Litigation

AMT will endeavor to settle any potential dispute amicably. In the event of disagreement, you can contact us in writing at the following address: Air Moto Tours – 1b Promenade des Anges – 78210 Saint Cyr l’Ecole – Tel. +33 (0)1 30 85 09 68 or by email at reclamation@airmototours.com.

In accordance with Article L.211-16-I of the Tourism Code, the automatic liability of AMT may be mitigated in whole or in part if the damage is attributable either to the traveler, to a third party unrelated to the provision of travel services included in the contract and has an unpredictable or unavoidable nature, or to exceptional and unavoidable circumstances.

To allow us to promptly process any complaint related to a completed stay or arising from the cancellation of a trip, it must be sent to us with supporting documents by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, no later than 30 days after the return or the occurrence of the incident.

In the event of a dispute arising after the signing of the contract, after contacting the customer service of the Air Moto Tours agency and failing to receive a satisfactory response within 30 days, the customer can freely contact the Mediator of Tourism and Travel, whose contact details and procedures for referral are available on the website www.mtv.travel or on that of the European Commission.

For the purposes of these terms of sale, “exceptional and unavoidable circumstances” are understood to mean an event that is unforeseeable and insurmountable, preventing either the traveler, the accompanying persons, the organizer, the retailer, or one of the service providers concerned from performing all or part of the travel service provided for in the contract. This includes situations such as riots, insurrection, any prohibition issued by public or governmental authorities, weather, geographical, health or political conditions at the destination or in transit, or in the immediate vicinity of that place, which may have significant consequences for the performance of the contract or for the transportation of passengers to the destination. The right to terminate the contract provided for in Article L.211-14-II of the Tourism Code is assessed according to objective criteria and independent of the parties, based in particular on the recommendations of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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