Touring in Japan
Since 2015

Program, SEASON 2025, is available in french

Last departure for sakura season, March 21st, 2024

Kyushu, my lovely paradise

Far south of the archipelago, Kyushu is the gateway to economic and cultural exchanges with its neighboring countries. While this region attracts few tourists, with its palm trees, beaches and vast volcanic spaces, this Japanese Riviera is endearing and beautiful.

You are just curious about Japanese culture, without having to dread the crowd baths, you like the natural spaces and the beautiful panoramic roads, free of traffic; this stay will enchant you.

Next departure May 7th, 2024

The essence of Japan

Between tradition and modernity, technologies and manga rub shoulders with formalities and spiritual traditions. Just a few hours from the urban bustle, the countryside offers landscapes and unprecedented moments. From tea plantations, hot springs, to dormant volcanoes, the landscapes will enchant your imagination.

From Tokyo to Hiroshima, by taking selected roads for bikers, you will travel through the mythical Japanese archipelago.

Next departures June 13th & August 1st, 2024

Norway, fjords and trolls

Since the conquest of the far north by Erik the Red, at the beginning of the Viking era, Norway has never ceased to arouse curiosity for its northern lights. The country arouses as much fascination for its fjords and its fabulous landscapes.

Land of water and light, Norway proves to be a true paradise for bikers who love to travel. You love unspoilt nature and real sensations, experience this unique and wonderful Scandinavian adventure on a motorcycle.

The philosophy of our motorcycle road-trips

#slowriding & #slowriders

For a majority of people, the motorcycle is only a vulgar utility of locomotion. For others, to move on a motorcycle is to feel, unique sensations, the freedom where, over the distances covered, only still count, the road, the landscapes that one discovers with a constantly renewed pleasure.

Getting around on a motorcycle also means exploring roads that are rarely used, stopping at any time to meet locals or locals. The circuits and stages proposed have all been developed in collaboration with tourism specialists and motorcycle enthusiasts. Between the discovery and the pleasure of the motorcycle that mix modernity and traditions, they will excite all lovers of the motorcycle and travel.

Nobody travels by chance and it is not by chance that we indulge in the pleasures of the motorcycle. Because the organization and the customer service were our daily engines we made the motorcycle trip, a passion that we share today with you.


Whether Western or local, accommodations in Japan are carefully selected. Whether luxurious or traditional, they’re sure to delight and introduce you to the life and rituals of the local people.

Guarantees & insurance

Air Moto Tours has teamed up with a number of insurance companies specializing in the tourism sector to provide you with insurance coverage tailored to your needs.

Choose the coverage that suits you best and travel with complete peace of mind.


Our Japan tours are led by French-Japanese and English-speaking motorcyclists. A vehicle will accompany you to transport your luggage. So, whatever the circumstances, you’ll always have the assurance of being able to relax.

With Air Moto Tours, you can take to the roads of Japan with complete peace of mind; they’ll take good care of you.

Ready for an adventure?

Discover our tours

Sophie Ecoffet
Sophie Ecoffet
Super road trip moto!! Organisation top, routes magnifiques, hôtels somptueux…tout était parfait, je recommande à 100% ce voyage à tous les motards
ollivier sulpice
ollivier sulpice
L’essentiel du Japon est un formidable voyage moto , des parcours d’exception à travers des forets, rizières et des champs de thé , des paysages hors du communs ,des choix d’hébergements de haute qualité et atypique, une organisation parfaite de l’inscription au retour. Un grand merci à Dominique et Sugui pour l’encadrement. Merci également à tous les participants pour la bonne ambiance tout au long de ce périple. Nous recommandons vivement ce voyage.
Magnifique, hors du commun. Air moto Tours, son boss « the Best » et Sugi son acolyte nous ont fait vivre un séjour hors des sentiers battus. Bien sûr les lieux emblématiques qu’il faut avoir vu au Japon Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima mais surtout et surtout le Japon authentique des rizières, des champs de thé, des villageois, des paysages magnifiques de collines, de montagnes, des petites routes dont mis à part les locaux, seul Dominique a le secret. Des routes dans les champs, dans ces magnifiques forêts. Des hébergements de qualité à chaque fois et notamment des Ryokans pour une expérience extraordinaire… Une super logistique…. Vraiment un séjour qui restera gravé à jamais dans nos mémoires ! Merci Dominique et Sugi. Sans oublier le groupe… quelle belle ambiance !!!! Philippe Turpin
Bertrand Bonnafous
Bertrand Bonnafous
Si comme nous, vous aimez la moto et aussi la découverte de cultures différentes de la nôtre, alors vous allez adorer ce voyage au Japon. Organisation au top. Choix judicieux des parcours et le tout en dehors des sentiers battus. Merciiii beaucoup Sugi et Dominique.
Emmanuel Lam
Emmanuel Lam
Quel voyage!!!! Quelle organisation !!! Que de beaux souvenirs issus de ce tour du Japon en moto, le tout orchestré par Dominique et admirablement bien accompagné de Sugi. Le choix des parcours, des sites, des visites et des hôtels sont top. Merciiii
Pascal Kok
Pascal Kok
Superbe road trip sur l’île de kyushu. C’est le meilleur voyage que j’ai fait au Japon. Le choix des tracés et des lieux (un peu hors des sentiers battus) étaient top. Surtout que Dominique a su s’adapter en fonction des aléas climatiques et du temps ce qui est très appréciable. Ce qui est sûr c’est que je referai un autre road trip avec air moto tours.
Excellent séjour qui m’a permis de découvrir une partie du monde que je n’avais jamais visité. L’organisation au top a sut évoluer avec les aléas climatique. Excellent ambiance tout au long du séjour.
madeleine LABE
madeleine LABE
Ce road trip au Japon 🇯🇵 nous a enchanté ! 😍 Au départ le Japon n’était pas le voyage qui nous interpelait vraiment, au final merci Dominique, nous avons beaucoup apprécié cette destination, KYUSHU comme annoncé est magnifique, chaque étape nous en met plein les yeux ! Les hébergements étaient dépaysant avec un authentique accueil japonais !!! ( je laisse un peu de surprise pour les prochains, mais vous serez pas déçus …!! ) Notre extension Kyoto-Fuji-Tokyo a bien finalisé notre périple Un très beau voyage qui a été conçu avec grands soins adapté a ce qui nous plaisait de voir.
Boutin Olivier
Boutin Olivier
Chaud le trafic heureusement qu’on était sur Royal Enfield et pas sur Harley. Voyage et groupe sympa. Si on avait les moyens on repartirai bien au Japon.

Motorcycle road trip

A motorcycle road-trip is an extraordinary adventure. Using a beloved means of transport, it offers the freedom to discover new horizons while experiencing the excitement of traveling on two wheels. While elders take a light-hearted approach to the subject, newcomers to motorcycle adventure will find below, and on other pages of the Air Moto Tours website, some personal information and advice on preparing a motorcycle road trip.

How to prepare for a motorcycle road trip?

Regardless of your level of experience, it is always pertinent to meticulously plan your route, your stops, to anticipate the specific formalities of the destination country, to anticipate the unexpected, and to ensure that you are prepared for all weather conditions. The question “how to prepare for a motorcycle road trip” should provide you with the answers to guarantee a pleasant and secure experience. A good motorcycle road trip combines adequate pre-departure preparation and essential flexibility during the journey to fully appreciate the adventure.

Motorcycle road trip: how to choose and prepare your two-wheeler?

Certainly, on your motorcycle you have to feel comfortable, but not all models of motorcycle are made to cover any type of roads. The choice of the bike and its equipment should be made according to the daily distances to be covered, the number of days of driving and whether you ride alone or in pairs. If you have any doubt about your destination, ask on the internet or with a motorcycle travel professional. Some bikers prefer aesthetics, look to efficiency, be careful if you are in this category. Once you have started your journey, you will not be able to turn back.

What should you add to your bike for a motorcycle road trip?

The list of equipment, for your motorcycle or for yourself, depends in part on your destination, the duration of the trip, and your personal preferences. For long road trips, always prioritize comfort over aesthetics. With that in mind, here is a non-exhaustive and personal list of items that may suit you:

Windshield or windscreen: Also known as a fairing, it partially protects you from wind turbulence on your body and neck. It helps prevent premature fatigue and limits water splashes.

GPS: Whether it’s a dedicated device, a specific application on your smartphone, or an app, everyone is familiar with this navigation tool designed specifically for motorcycle use. In organizing and preparing for the trip, you have not overlooked ensuring your mobile connectivity to the local network. However, despite having a GPS, trip preparation does not exempt you from choosing the route. Without a programmed GPS, you risk being directed to your destination via the shortest route, despite programming a winding itinerary.

Comfortable seat, for both the rider and especially the passenger: This type of equipment spares your gluteal muscles and provides comfort during long rides. In case of riding in tandem, this equipment will necessarily be complemented by back support for the pillion rider, either through a top case or a sissy bar.

Intercom: This is a useful companion on the road, helping you understand GPS instructions if connected via Bluetooth. It’s also ideal for listening to radio and music from the countries you traverse, and serves as a fantastic communication tool with your passenger or another group member.

Heated grips: A must-have for riders embarking on escapades in cooler regions around the globe. They can also be useful for those who ride year-round. In any circumstance, heated grips are becoming increasingly common and provide much-appreciated comfort.

Road trip: which luggage to choose?

The choice of luggage for a motorcycle road trip depends on various factors such as the duration of the trip, your motorcycle’s capacity to carry luggage, the expected weather conditions, and your personal preferences.

Panniers/Saddlebags: Available in rigid materials like aluminum, composite, or soft textile.

Top case: Fixed to the rear of the motorcycle, it’s an essential accessory, providing comfort for the passenger if you’re traveling as a couple.

Tank bag: Convenient for storing items and documents you need quickly and frequently. It attaches to the motorcycle’s tank and often has a transparent window for holding a map or documents that can be consulted at any time.

Tail bags (tail pack): Placed on the rear seat or on a luggage rack, it can be used to store lightweight items. Waterproof options are available on the market.

Elastic net or luggage straps: Useful for securing larger items or attaching additional bags. However, opt for straps that are more suitable and secure, rather than elastic nets, also known as cargo nets.

Backpack: Because it’s worn on the back, ensure it contains only lightweight items to avoid compromising your comfort and safety.

Regardless of the type of luggage you choose, make sure to adhere to the recommended load capacity specified by your motorcycle manufacturer. Balance and distribute the weight of your belongings to maintain the stability of the motorcycle and achieve as low a center of gravity as possible.

What to take for a motorcycle road trip?

You selected your luggage for your motorcycle road trip. The problem is that you have no idea what to put inside. Rest assured, we are here to offer you the best equipment to bring with you on a road trip with his bike.

In a motorcycle road trip, what equipment should the driver take?

During a road trip on a motorcycle, it is imperative to be well equipped. The rider and his or her passenger must wear a complete protective suit consisting of helmet, gloves, jacket and motorcycle pants. To this can be added a pair of boots. However, comfort is not left aside. Once at the stop plan more comfortable shoes or why not a pair of sandals. Also consider taking a GPS and a USB cigarette lighter or other charging system.

Motorcycle road trip: Which tools to choose?

When you want to go for a road trip on two wheels, you must make sure to have the necessary with you. We advise you to take a toolkit with you. But keep in mind that you need to stay light so give preference to multifunctional tools. Test your tools on the screws and bolts of your motorcycle. Make sure you don’t take anything superfluous, multifunctional parts, socket wrench and flat keys will become your best friends. Remember to take a mini compressor with you for the maintenance of your tires and the WD-40 an effective degrippant for any intervention on your motorcycle. Note that other equipment such as serflex clamps, fuses and bulbs as well as tape will save you the day.

Camper equipment for a motorcycle road trip

All motorcycle road trips are not interspersed with nights under the stars. However, depending on the circuit, you may have the opportunity to spend the night outside. Certainly it is a good way to save money during your trip on two-wheeled roads however you must think about leaving with camper equipment. Opt for a tent, a mattress, a flashlight, food and a good down. Little tips, if your mob excursion takes place in a warm country and you plan to sleep outside in the evening, do not forget to take mosquito repellent.

What tour for a motorcycle road trip?

There are plenty of routes to take a road trip. There are hundreds of tours waiting for you. To choose the ones that will suit you best, you can rely on different criteria. Start by choosing the time you want to leave. Do you want a warm or cold trip? All this will give you delimited geographical areas. Everything is also a question of budget, it is easier for a french to go on a road trip by motorcycle in Germany than in Canada.

A road trip for bikers in Europe

A getaway on European roads allows you to learn a lot about the old continent. This type of motorcycle trip is accessible and allows you to easily visit a large number of countries. Your bike will be able to move easily from country to country thanks to the Schengen area allowing free movement without border control in more than twenty countries. An excursion aboard your car on the roads of Europe will allow you to meet passionate bikers.

A motorcycle road trip abroad for adventurers

As we have seen, travelling on the road requires some preparation. If you want to explore the world and ride on the 5 continents, it is advisable to use a motorcycle travel agency specialized in motorcycle road trip like Air Moto Tours. This type of company allows you to enjoy tours abroad organized beforehand by a team of enthusiasts. Going abroad between bikers allows to be more serene and enjoy the good mood.

The most beautiful motorcycle road trips around the world?

Around the world, there are countless dream destinations that are accessible by motorcycle. For several years, motorcycle travel has become very popular, as was the case with the car in the 1970s. Remember the traffic jams on National 7 which lived the golden age of the «blue road» and became the symbol of holidays. Among the most popular, we can select from a non-exhaustive list:

The legendary Route 66, which crosses the United States from east to west. While it may have lost some of its charm in its first part, it becomes unmissable from Santa Fe onwards.

Route 1 or the Pacific Coast Highway, offering breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean along the west coast of the United States and picturesque coastal towns.

The Route des Grandes Alpes, crossing the French, Swiss, and Italian Alps, overwhelms you with views of snow-capped peaks, takes you along crystal-clear lakes, and through charming Alpine villages.

The Wine Route leading through the wine regions of South Africa, including the picturesque vineyards of Stellenbosch and Franschhoek.

The Troll’s Road in Norway, impressive and almost insolent, it stands before you like a wall to be crossed either uphill or downhill. The roads leading to it are intoxicating with panoramas and waterfalls along the fjords. This famous Trollstigen even bears some resemblance to the Transfagarasan in Romania. It winds through the Carpathians and is nicknamed the “best road in the world” by Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear.

The Ruta 40, which traverses Argentina from south to north for nearly 5000 km, offering views of the Andes, deserts, and lakes. It’s probably the longest road in the world. The Cabot Trail located in Nova Scotia, Canada, offers panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean, steep cliffs, and lush forests.

The Great Ocean Road: world-renowned for its surfing spots, wildlife, and ancient rainforests, this road offers views of the Southern Ocean, the Twelve Apostles, and spectacular beaches.

At Air Moto Tours, we offer adventures on 4 continents and in 7 different countries. Although modest, our program includes road trips positioned at the top of an inexhaustive list.

Discover Western Asia and its countryside with a motorcycle road trip

Brand new, still warm, thanks to an unprecedented motorcycle road trip, immerse yourself in the daily life of the natives in the land of the rising sun. Remember, Air Moto Tours was created under the impulse of bikers eager to discover this mysterious and imaginary country. Going to Asia, Japan, to enjoy extraordinary circuits of which we have the secret of the organization ,is to make sure to spend unforgettable moments between motorcycle lovers and travel enthusiasts. In the land of samurai, trips on a motorcycle are in a good mood. In a country where road trips are rather complex, our know-how is well established. Since 2015 we are to make you discover this destination.

Add a splash of color to your motorcycle road trip to South Africa

At Air Moto Tours we have motorcycles and all the logistics that comes with it, road trips and routes chosen for you, hotels to avoid the tent and sleeping bag, discoveries already on the program, the support and transport of your luggage for motorcycle road trips. … you don’t have those many questions. It’s all ready to go.

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