Legal notice

Air Moto Tours legal notice

v2a from 01/09/2022

The confidence in the digital economy, No. 2004-575 of 21/06/2004

The photos, information, and data provided on this website are for indicative purposes only and have no contractual value until confirmed in writing by us.

Except for trademarks or logos of other partner companies, all elements contained on the website are the exclusive property of Air Moto Tours. Total or partial reproductions of any element, including texts, images, sounds, including downloadable documents, are reserved. Their reproduction, modification, transmission, or distribution to third parties is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Air Moto Tours.

Company: AIR MOTO TOURS SAS with a capital of €20,000

RCS: Company registered with the RCS of Versailles under number 804 472 157

NAF Code: 7912Z

Siret No .: 804 472 157 00010

Atout France: Registration in the register of travel and stay operators: IM078140005

Financial Guarantee: APST (Professional Solidarity Association of Tourism)

Contract of Insurance and Civil Liability: HISCOX – Insurance policy HA PRC0114896

Data Protection, Privacy: This website has been declared to the CNIL under number 1817370

For the new GDPR provisions applicable from May 25, 2018, see the relevant section Privacy Policy

Right to Image: During certain Air Moto Tours trips, we may take photos and videos or receive them from the participants themselves. These may be used on this website or other communication media directly related to the travel agency. Unless expressly stated otherwise by the interested parties, they acknowledge having been informed of this fact and already concede to Air Moto Tours the right to use their image for the sole and exclusive purposes mentioned above.

In case of disagreement, you can contact us in writing using the contact form or by writing to Air Moto Tours – 1b Promenade des Anges – 78210 Saint Cyr l’Ecole

Jurisdiction: This site is subject to French jurisdiction

Editorial Responsibility: Mr. Dominique Best

Hosting: OVH Servers

Photo & Video Credits: Except for the following credits / references, all pictures are made by clients or by Air Moto Tours leader.

“Japan -“Mt.Fuji” – Kitadake-sansou by Σ64 – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons –

“Japan – Daigo-ji – Jardins de Kyoto – 宗教的,Daigo-ji,寺庙,日本的,花园,秋天,树,桥梁,圣地,反射,寺庙图片” – by …

“Japan – Matsumoto Castle” – by Oxag, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons,

“Japan – Ryokan room 水車の間” – 千曲乃湯しげの家〒389-0807長野県千曲市戸倉温泉3055

“Norway – Bokn municipality” – Efarestv –

“USA – Lower Manhattan from Staten Island Ferry” – by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0 –

“South Africa – Cape Town Panorama From Table Mountain” By Fcatarinella, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons,

“USA – B.B. King grave & Museum” – Timothy W Willis, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons,

“USA – 105-mbt-road-trip.html / 105-dans-lere-du-blues.html” – Almost issued from free pictures data base

“Canada – Yoho National Park” – i viewfinder Article number : 1201026013

“Quebec – La route des sommets” by Petr Smetanka

“Portugal – Quinta Rainha Santa Mafalda View” –

“Au coeur des Alpes Japonaises” – Touring in Japan – By baikudokan

“Au pays des samouraïs” – Touring in Japan

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